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GAPCO - Dallas Best Pizza


The founder of Greenville Avenue Pizza Co. is the fourth Texan to be named to the World Pizza Champions team.

Sammy Mandell opened the Dallas-based restaurant on Lowest Greenville in 2007. He and the rest of the World Pizza Champions team are tasked with promoting pizza-making as a respected craft and potential career choice. They also engage in international competitions, educational outreach, public demonstrations and service activities.

Members of the team are invited and selected based on skill, character, compatibility and selfless effort on behalf of the pizza industry. They each offer unique perspectives and areas of specialization including culinary, operations, promotions and entertainment skills.

Since opening, Mandell, his wife, Molly, and his team have expanded to two other locations. Mandell was Pizza Today‘s first young entrepreneur of the year in 2018 and received a scholarship to attend Tony Gemignani’s International School of Pizza, becoming a certified pizzaiolo. Gemignani leads the World Pizza Champions team.

Renee Umsted | Advocate Magazine | April 26, 2022 View Original Article


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